We have the pleasure of announcing the 11th annual AIIMS Microneurosurgery Workshop to be held at conference hall AIIMS, New Delhi from 19th February - 21st February, 2009. We have two very distinguished visiting neurosurgeons as our guest faculty: Prof. Anil Nanda, Chairman, Department of Neurosurgery Lsu Health Sciences Center, Louisiana State University Medical Ctr & Prof. V Rajshekar, Chairman, Neurosurgery CMC Vellore. In addition, faculty from AIIMS would also participate demonstrating their respective subspecialities. Please also do inform us regarding the kind of surgeries which you would like to see either by email or through online registration. The workshop true to the spirit of any of a live surgical workshop would consist of simultaneous relay of surgeries demonstrating various aspects of microneurosurgery from 3 operative theaters. A two way communication would be available so that the surgeons and the participants can interact with each other throughout the procedures. We plan to demonstrate a variety of micro neurosurgical procedures including vascular surgery, spinal surgery, neuroendoscopy, epilepsy surgery, skull base surgery, pediatric neurosurgery, peripheral nerve surgery etc. Since the inception of this workshop a decade back this workshop has become very popular and now has an average of 300 participants from India and neighboring countries. On the evening of 19th Feb Prof Anil Nanda, will deliver the Sarveshwari Memorial Oration on "Skull Base Surgery: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly." We would strive very hard to make your stay in Delhi pleasant, comfortable and most of all educative.
Prof. B.S. Sharma Dr. P. Sarat Chandra