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Association of Otorhinolaryngologists


Commission on Asian and Oceanian Affairs, International League Against Epilepsy

Evaluation, Surgical Procedures and Rehabilitation

 7th -8th, November, 2009
Venue:  JLN Auditorium, AIIMS, New Delhi, INDIA

Scientific Programme

Date: November 7th -8th, 2009

Place:  JLN Auditorium, AIIMS, New Delhi

Local Organizing Committee: Dr. P Sarat Chandra
Contact address:
saratpchandra@gmail.com, saratpchandra@aiims.ac.in

Supported by:- ILAE/ CAOA/ ASEPA

International Faculty: Drs. K Arita, K Iida,T Otsuki, K Baba, SA Lee, K Terada, Y Inoue

National Faculty [in alphabetical order]: Bal CS, Chandra P Sarat, Chandra P Satish, Dash HH, Garg Ajay, Gaikwad Shailesh, Gulati Sheffali, Gupta A, Jain Satish, Jha AN, Kharbanda PP, Lakshmi SJ, Mahapatra AK, Mathew Abraham, Malla Bhaskar, Mehta VS, Mehndirata MM, Padma MV, Panigrahi Manas, PritikaChary, Puri Vinod, Shah U, Sharma BS, Shukla G, Singh G, Singh VP, Srivastava A, Tripathi M, Vengamma B.



November 7 (Saturday)
Opening remarks and overlay of the course: 8:45- 9.00 am
Inauguration by :   Prof. RC Deka, Director AIIMS
Chief Guest:  Prof PN Tandon
Faculty presiding: Prof AK Mahapatra, Prof BS Sharma, Prof HH Dash, Prof NK Mishra.

Day 1: 7th November, Saturday, 2009                

Timing and candidates for surgery

[Time: 30 minutes presentation + 10 minutes discussion]

Chairpersons: Satish Jain, Manjari Tripathi

Candidacy for epilepsy surgery in adults (SA Lee)            9.00- 9.30 am                                                 

Candidacy for epilepsy surgery in children (T Otsuki)       9.40- 10.00 am    

Indian Scenario-Criteria for selection (P P. Kharbanda)   10.00-10.20 am

Presurgical evaluation:Non-Invasive: I

[Time: 20 minutes presentation + 5 minutes discussion]

Chairpersons: K Prasad, Y Inoue

Values& Pitfalls of Semiology in localization (Y Inoue)      10.25-10.45 am

Interictal and ictal EEG (K Terada)                                   10.50-11.10 am

Neuropsychological assessment (U Shah)                         11.15-12.05 pm

Tea Break                                           12.10-12.20 am

Presurgical evaluation: Non-Invasive: II

[Time: 20 minutes presentation + 5 minutes discussion]

Chairpersons: Shailesh Gaikwad, Vinod Puri

Imaging and MEG in preoperative evaluation (K Iida)        12.20-12.40 pm

What imaging centers in India can and should do (A Garg)     12.50-1.10 pm

Role of functional imaging studies (PET & SPECT) in preoperative evaluation (Madhavi Tripathi)     1.20-1.40 pm                  

Lunch Break                                          1.50-2.30 pm

Presurgical evaluation: Invasive: I

[Time: 20 minutes presentation + 5 minutes discussion]

Chairpersons: AN Jha, P Sarat Chandra

Invasive evaluation: indication and techniques (K Iida)        2.35-2.55 pm

Invasive evaluation: EEG evaluation (K Terada)                 3.05-3.25 pm

Electrocorticography- (M Tripathi)                                    3.35-3.55 pm

Presurgical evaluation: Invasive:I

Chairpersons: Malla Bhaskar, Mathew Abraham

Cortical mapping and evoked studies (K Terada)             4.05- 4.25 pm

Minimum investigations to be exhausted before invasive evaluation special reference to the Indian scenario- (SJ Laxmi)   4.35-4.55 pm

Tea Break                                           5.00-5.15 am

 Case discussions on seizure semiology demonstration: 5:15-6:30 pm

Chairpersons: SA Lee, K Tereda

 Day 2: 8th November, Sunday, 2009                

Surgical procedures-I

[Time: 20 minutes presentation + 5 minutes discussion]

Chairpersons: VS Mehta, K Baba

  Anesthesia in Epilepsy surgery (HH Dash)               9.00- 9.20 am

     What is special?

Temporal lobe surgery: anatomy and standard techniques (K Arita)              9.25- 9.45 am    

Extratemporal resection surgery (K Baba)                   9.55-10.15 am

    Surgery for catastrophic epilepsy (T Otsuki)               10.45-11.15 am

Hemispherotomy and indications (PS Chandra)          11.25-11.45 am

 Tea Break                                         11.55-12.10 am

[Time: 20 minutes presentation + 5 minutes discussion]

Surgical procedures-II

Chairpersons: BS Sharma, Manas Panigrahi

 Pathophysiology and treatment of hypothalamic hamartoma with intractable epilepsy (K Arita)     12.15-12.35 pm

 Corpus callosotomy (K Iida)                    12.45-1.05 pm            

 Vagus nerve stimulation (SA Lee)             1.15 – 1.35 pm

Lunch                                                               1.45-2.15 pm

Case discussions: 2:15-3:15 pm

Faculty presenting cases: Manas Panigrahi, P Sarat Chandra, , Pritika Chary, Mathew Abraham, Malla Bhaskar

Faculty Moderating and conducting cases: VP Singh, Y Inoue, K Tereda, K Lida, T Otsuki, LA Lee

Surgical Pathology

[Time: 15 minutes presentation + 5 minutes discussion]

Chairpersons: Madhuri Behari, B Vengamma

The pathological substrate in Epilepsy is it important for outcome prediction- (C Sarkar)    3.15-3.35 pm

Surgery outcome and rehabilitation- I

[Time: 10 minutes presentation + 5 minutes discussion]

Chairpersons: MV Padma, Achal Srivastava

Seizure outcome & AEDs-practice and evidence (SA Lee)    3.40- 3.55 pm

Cognitive and psychosocial outcome (Y Inoue)                      4.00-4.20 pm

Surgery outcome and rehabilitation- II

[Time: 10 minutes presentation + 5 minutes discussion]

Chairpersons: Pritika Chary, Sheffali Gulati

Outcome of pediatric epilepsy surgery (T Otsuki)            4.30-4.50 pm

Poor seizure outcome and countermeasure (K Baba)       4.55-5.15 pm

Surgery settings

[Time: 10 minutes presentation + 5 minutes discussion]

Chairpersons: P Satish Chandra, AK Mahapatra

Epilepsy surgery cost evaluation in India (G Singh)            5.15-5.30pm

Gamma Knife & DBS in intractable epilepsy overhyped or true?     (A.Gupta)    5.30-5.45pm

Future direction of epilepsy surgery in India (P S Chandra)    5.45-6.00 pm

General Panel discussion: Guidelines for development of epilepsy surgery in India

Moderators: Satish Jain, P Sarat Chandra      6.00 - 7.00 pm

Faculty participating: R Shukla, P Satish Chandra, M Tripathi, G Singh, PP Kharbanda, , VP Singh, C Rathore, G Shukla, J Mani, P Chari, B Vengamma, S Sinha, J Kalita, Mathew Abraham, SJ Lakshmi, NK Venketaramana


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