Sr. Research Fellow (Medical)– TWO POSTS
(For a NACO funded HIV/AIDS Projects)

Essential Qualification:

 M.B.B.S. degree


Desirable: Handling of HIV and Tuberculosis patients

Applications from the desired candidates must reach within 2 weeks (i.e. by 25th June, 2007) by email or  post with all relevant supporting documents to Mr Manoj Kumar, R.N. 6,

SRB Center, Department of Medicine, AIIMS.


 Principal Investigator

 Dr Sanjeev Sinha,

Assistant Professor

Department of Medicine

AIIMS, Ansari Nagar,

New Delhi-110029

Ph-91-11-26588918 & 26594440 (off), M-09868397242

Fax- 26588866
E-mail: drsanjeevsinha2002@yahoo.com