Ansari Nagar, New Delhi-110029.


(An autonomous organization under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare)


Adv.No.1/2007-Estt.I (Rectt.)


             Applications are invited by the Director, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi-110029 from Indian Citizens for the temporary 10 (UR-6, OBC-3, ST-1) posts of Programmer (Group `B’ post) in the pay scale of Rs.7450-225-11500 in the prescribed format of application given below.  Last date for receipt of application is 16th March, 2007.


            The qualifications, experience etc. for the post as under :-


Essential Qualification :-


BE/ B.Tech. (Computer Science/ Computer Engineering)


Post-graduation in Science/Maths etc.


Post-graduation in Computer Application.

Upper Age Limit : 30 year



i)                    The Advertisement for the above 10 posts of Programmer published in the Press in the month of October/ November, 2004 has been treated as cancelled due to some administrative reason and the Application Fee deposited by the candidates will be refunded to them in due course.   Those who had applied for the post earlier and wish to apply for these posts may do so provided they fulfill the educational and other eligibility conditions such as age.  Such candidates need not pay the requisite fee as indicated in S.No.4 of the “General Conditions” indicated below.  They may provide the details of the fee deposited/ paid by them earlier.


ii)                   The upper age limit is relaxable upto 5 years for Government Servants, Scheduled Caste & Scheduled Tribe Candidates, 3 years for OBC candidates and 10 years for the Physically Handicapped candidates.   The upper age limit shall be determined as on 16.03.2007.


iii)                 The post carry usual allowances as admissible to Central Government Servants of similar status stationed in Delhi/New Delhi.


iv)                 The number of vacancies may increase or decrease at the discretion of the Appointing Authority.


v)                  The eligible candidates may be short listed through screening which will be followed by Written Test/Interview.





1)      Application may be sent to the Senior Administrative Officer (Recruitment Cell), 1st Floor, Administrative Block, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi – 29.  Application must be typed on foolscap in double space strictly in the proforma given below. Envelop containing the application must be super scribed in bold letters as “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF PROGRAMMER” alongwith the “Category _____ (SC/ST/OBC/GENERAL)” to which the candidate belongs. The format of application form can also be downloaded from web site i.e. or


2)      The incomplete application and application received after last date will not be entertained. If any candidate is found to be doing canvassing for his/her selection, he/she will be disqualified for being called for interview/being selected.


3)      Attested copies of birth, caste, educational qualification, and experience certificates be attached with the application.


4)      A Bank Draft / Pay Order in favour of the Director, AIIMS payable at Delhi/New Delhi for Rs.500/- (Rupees Five Hundred) in case of candidate belonging to General and OBC categories and Rs.100/- (Rupees Hundred) in case of candidate belonging to Schedule Caste/Schedule Tribe


5)      The Physically Handicapped candidates are not required to deposited any Bank Draft / Pay Order, as they are exempted for the same.

Download Application Form