1. Sr. Research Fellow (Medical)– ONE POST                              

                                                                           2. Medical Social Worker- ONE POST


(For a NACO funded Project) 


Essential Qualification:


  1. Sr. Research Fellow-  M.B.B.S. degree

  2. Medical Social Worker- M.A. in Sociology/MSW or Graduates with 2 years diploma in social work



Title of Project: Study of prevalence and types of baseline HIV drug resistance in the antiretroviral treatment-naive and previously treated
 HIV infected Northern India population


Desirable: Handling of HIV/Mycobacterium tuberculosis


 Applications from the desired candidates must reach the Principal Investigator within 2 weeks (i.e. by 25th January, 2007) by email or
post with all relevant supporting documents.



Principal Investigator


Dr Sanjeev Sinha,

Assistant Professor

Department of Medicine

AIIMS, Ansari Nagar,

New Delhi-110029

Ph-91-11-26588918 & 26594440 (off)

Fax- 26588866


E-mail: drsanjeevsinha2002@yahoo.com