No.F.1/2007-Acad.I                       Ansari Nagar, New Delhi-29

                                                                                                                                     Dated:  17.03.2007.



Subject:   Selection of Junior Residency (Non-Academic) at AIIMS.

The Junior Residency (Non-Academic) is available in the following departments upto  30th June,2007


                        S.NO                 DEPARTMENT                           NO.OF POSTS


1.                     Emergency Medicine                        11       

2.                     Paediatrics (Casualty)                       04

3                      Trauma Centre                                  01

            4.                     Community Medicine                        01


The vacancy may increase on account of resignation/termination etc. of the existing residents and will be included at the time of counseling/interview.  The Application Form can be obtained from Academic Section from 10.00AM to 4.00 PM on all working days from 10.00 AM to 12.00 noon on Saturdays and the form can be downloaded from the Institute web sites and The complete application in all respect should reach to the undersigned latest by  26.03.2007 and the Interview for the same will be held on 02.04.2007 at 9.00 AM.                                       


The list of eligible candidates to be called for Interview/Counselling will be displayed on the notice board of the Academic Section and on website of the Institute on 30.03.2007 at 2.00 P.M.                   


The eligibility conditions and the procedure for filling up the vacancy is as under:-


1)         The  Junior Resident (Non-Academic) will be  provided first to the Institute Graduates.  They will be given choice of subject based on their aggregate marks in the I, II and final Professional examinations.  The preference to AIIMS Graduates will be only for 1 year after graduation.  In case any vacancy is left over after all AIIMS Graduates (those who have applied) are accommodated then  outside graduates will be considered.  AIIMS Graduates applying for 3rd time will be considered at par with candidates in general merit list., ordinarily two but not more than three terms for J/R (Non-Academic) will  be allowed..   


2)         a)  The candidate will be selected on the basis of Percentage of marks obtained in the Preceding AIIMS P.G.Entrance Examination and/or aggregate percentage of  marks obtained in MBBS.


b)   Priority will be given to those who are applying for the first time


            c)  The list of selected candidates will consist of 10 times of the No.of available seats at the time of advertisement.


d)   When the waiting list will be exhausted to ¾ of the total selected lists than, a fresh advertisement will be issued by the Academic Section as per the above guidelines.


3          The candidates  should not have graduated earlier than two years before the  start of First Year Junior Residency (Non-Academic).


4.         Those candidates who have already done 2 terms of First Year Junior Residency (Non-Academic) either at AIIMS or outside will not be considered.  Experience in army services  Central Health Services, Private Nursing Homes and Private Practice will be taken as equivalent to First Year Junior Residency (Non-Academic).  This rule is not applicable to Institute Graduates


5.         The reservation for SC/ST candidates shall be as per rules.  In case the candidate from these categories are not available the post will be filled from General Candidates as the rules applicable for AIIMS P.G. Courses.


6.         Those who joined First Year Junior Residency (Non-Academic) at the AIIMS and left the same before completing the required tenure or whose services were terminated on account of unauthorised absence shall not be eligible to be considered.




                           ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER (ACAD.)                

                                                                                           Telephone No: 26593050, 26593230







Reference Advertisement No:_______________  Dated:___________________


Subject:  Application for First Year Junior Residency (Non-Academic)

Text Box:  
Affix Passport Size Photograph duly attested by Gazetted Officer


1.   Name_____________________________________________________________


2.   Father’s Name______________________________________________________


3.   Date of Birth________________________________________________________


4.   Permanent Address_____________________________________________________________________




5.    Local Address________________________________________________________________________


       With Telephone No. (if any)______________________________________________________________


6.   Citizenship____________________________________________________________________________


7.   Educational Qualification_________________________________________________________________


Examination Passed MBBS/BDS

College Institute

Year of Passing

Max.Marks Obtained


















8.   Whether SC/ST with documentary evidence____________________________________________________


9   Date of Completion of Internship_____________________________________________________________

10. Percentage of Aggregate marks in all Professional Examinations______________________________________

11. Subject in Order of Preference

a)__________________________ b)______________________________ c)___________________________

12. Permanent M.C.I./D.M.C. Registration No.:__________________________

13.              (i)   Whether appeared in AIIMS P.G. Entrance Examination in 2006,      Yes / No

             If yes indicate Roll No.______________________________________________________________

(ii)  Total marks/percentage obtained __________________________________________________________


14.              Whether done any First Year Junior Residence (Non-Academic) at AIIMS or Outside, if so mention the department/period/Subject:













































1.                  Incomplete applications will be rejected straightway.

2.                  If it is found, that the applicant has suppressed any information or given wrong information his/her Junior Residency (Non-Academic) will be terminated forthwith without assigning any reason.

3.                  The Junior Residents (Non-Academic) are entitled to 15 days leave during six months @ 2 ½ days leave for every completed month.




            I do hereby declare that the information furnished above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and I shall abide by the rules and regulations at the AIIMS.



DATE:__________________                                                                       SIGNATURE OF THE APPLICANT




Please affix the following with the application form:


1)                  One recent Passport size photograph.

2)                  Attested copies of all the certificates/testimonials.