Title:  Genotyping of M. tuberculosis isolates from South Delhi area and determining their Transmission Dynamics
      in the House Hold contacts and the community using molecular methods (ICMR funded)


Essential qualification


Sr. Research Fellow (1)

M.Sc (Microbiology)

Handling of Mycobacterium tuberculosis with experience in genotyping

Lab technician (1)

B.Sc (Life Sciences) +
Dip. Medical lab Technology.

Handling of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and processing of clinical specimens

Field Assistants (3)

10th Standard Pass Candidate must possess a two- wheeler and valid driving license

Experience in field Work related to Health.

     Title: “Developing a Novel Multiplex PCR Assay for Simultaneous Detection & Differentiation of Hepatitis A & E, Salmonella, Entamoeba histolytica and Giardia lamblia directly From the Drinking Water Samples (DBT funded)


Essential qualification


Research Assistant (1)

M.Sc (Microbiology / Biotechnology)

Knowledge of PCR and other molecular techniques.



 Applications (only hard copies) from the desired candidates must reach the Principal Investigator within 2 weeks (i.e. by 25th March, 2007) along with all relevant supporting documents either in person or by post at the following address.


Principal Investigator


Dr. Sarman Singh

Department of Laboratory Medicine

All India Institute of Medical Sciences

P.O. Box No. 4938

New Delhi. 110 029.