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A Level One International Academic Meeting on Trauma, Emergency & Disaster Medicine





Selected Submissions will be published in The Journal
 of General Medicine


Last date for Competitions apllication is 26th August 2006.

Competitions Email Secretariat

(All emails should be strictly related to EMARCS 2006)

COMPETITIONS FOR Faculty, Physicians, Residents and Students

  • Applicants are expected to abide by the rules of INDUS-EM 2006.
  • Violation of rules can lead to disqualification
  • There are Five Competitions. 
  • Applicants can apply to multiple competitions.
  • Each applicant can present only at one section.
  • At least two of the listed authors have to be registered
  • Results will be announced at the Valedictory Function.
  • INDUS-EM assumes that Applicant is submitting a Presentation, which is new and never been submitted at any meeting or competition or conference other than INDUS-EM 2006.
  • Concerning Original Research INDUS-EM assumes that Researcher has followed the guidelines placed by his or her Institutional ethics board and conducted an IRB approved study.
  • No data presented will carry any Patient identifiers like name, address or full face in a picture.

Clinico-Pathological Case (CPC) Competition:

The Prize money is Rs. 12,000 (Rupees Twelve Thousand). Cases will be  provided by the organi-zers to interested competitors. The details of the competition will also be provided to the competitors.

Email: indusem2006@hotmail.com  for Cases and Details.

Journal Club Competition (JCC):

The prize money is Rs. 5,000 (Rupees Five Thousand).
Presentation time is 20 Minutes which Includes Questions and Answers.
Articles will be provided by the organizers with the details of the competition.
Email: indusem2006@hotmail.com  for Articles and Details.

 Research Paper Competition (RPC):

The prize money is Rs. 8,000 (Rupees Eight Thousand).
The presentation time is 15 minutes and includes five minutes of discussion.
The abstract should be maximum 300 words.
Format: Aims and Objectives, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussions.
Submit as Word Attachment to indusem2006@hotmail.com.

 Free Poster Competition (FPC):

The Prize money is Rs. 5,000 (Rupees Five Thousand)
Case Reports, case studies, X-Rays, CT Scans can be included as valid submissions.
Dimension of posters should not exceed 120 cm in height and 95 cm in length.
Primary submission for selection should be in abstract format. Pictures should be attached wherever necessary.
Submit as Word Attachment to indusem2006@hotmail.com

New Ideas Competition (NIC):

The prize money is Rs. 5,000 (Rupees Five Thousand).
Presentation time is 20 Minutes which Includes Questions and Answers.
The abstract should be maximum 300 words in a word document. There is no particular format. Novel Ideas for research, Development and Case Management are welcome. Creative ideas, strategies and success stories are welcome.
Email: indusem2006@hotmail.com

 special competition for Nurses and Paramedics Case
 Management Competition (CMC):

  •            This is a special competition for Nurses and Paramedics involved in
               Emergency Care.
  •            Rupees 10,000 will be awarded for the best presentation
  •            Email: indusem2006@hotmail.com  
  •            Upon Emailing the organizers will send you details for the case

 General competitions

 Emergency Quizathon:
 One Question One Thousand Rupees.

 For every correctly answer there is a spot prize of Rupees One Thousand.

 Surprise Competitions and Cash Awards:
 Surprise Competitions and Cash Awards during the Summit.