Women provide emotional,
physical and economic support for their families, the death
of a mother is one of the most traumatic
events that can befall a family. Unsafe abortion which can
cause severe illness and death should be prevented at every
cost. |
Abortion is universal,
through history women have sought to terminate an unwanted pregnancy.
Despite increased use of contraception, the need for abortion
continues to be there. Prevention of unwanted pregnancy has been
the top-priority concern with all health planners; still a large
number of abortions are performed worldwide. Approximately 1/3
to 1/2 of all women have at least one induced abortion performed
under unsafe conditions. The safety and efficacy of procedure
used is therefore of global public health importance.
India was one of the few countries
in the world to legalize abortion by promulgating MTP Act in 1972.
Majority (80-90%) of abortions are performed during the first
trimester of pregnancy. Standard method of pregnancy termination
in first trimester is surgical evacuation of uterine contents
after cervical dilatation (vacuum aspiration). When provided properly
by trained personnel, vacuum aspiration is a safe procedure. In
India, a doctor needs to undergo special training before being
certified to carry out a legal surgical abortion and the place
needs to be certified.
Significant advances have occurred during the last 10 years in
the development of medical non-invasive methods for pregnancy
termination. Several drugs have been tried with an aim of interfering
with maintenance of pregnancy, Non-surgical methods for inducing
abortion increase the choices available to women. Research is
still being carried out to improve current medical methods for
inducing abortion. With currently available options, medical abortion
is successful in 90-95% women.
Introduction of Medical Abortion in India is a landmark in women’s
health. Medical abortion offers an approach to pregnancy termination
which is non-invasive with minimal side-effects. This method which
can be learnt with minimal training will protect women from complications
of unsafe surgical abortion.
Before a new method is introduced it is important to establish
norms and standards and assess what changes need to be made in
current services available. With this in mind Consortium on National
Consensus for Medical Abortion in India was organized in March
2003. Experts from India and other countries with experience in
medical abortion had a brain-storming session on different issues
related to medical abortion including pre-abortion
assessment and decision making, technology for medical abortion,
access to facility, quality of abortion and post abortion care,
training of healthcare providers and monitoring of medical abortion
programme and reached a consensus. This consensus document will
be of immense benefit to all those who provide abortion services
in the country and will go a long way in improving the reproductive
health status of women in India.