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4.0 Lactational amenorrhoea method

4.1 Method

The use of breast feeding as a temporary family planning method is referred to as lactational amenorrhoea method or LAM. It provides adequate protection from an unplanned pregnancy only if the following criteria are met :

• amenorrhoea since delivery

• complete or nearly complete breast-feeding the baby, both day and night

• less than six months post-partum.

4.2 Advantages

• effectively prevents pregnancy for at least 6 months, may be longer if the woman keeps breast-feeding day and night

• can be used immediately after childbirth

• does not interfere with sex

• no extra cost for family planning or for feeding the baby

• no supplies or procedures needed to prevent pregnancy

• no hormonal side-effects

• counseling for LAM encourages starting a follow-on method at the proper time

• encourages the best breast-feeding patterns which contribute other health benefits for the baby and mother including :

healthiest food for the baby

protecting the baby from life-threatening diseases such as measles and pneumonia

developing mother-baby bonding

4.3 Disadvantages

• effectiveness after 6 months is not certain.

• frequent breast-feeding may be inconvenient or difficult for women, especially working mothers.

• no protection against sexually-transmitted infections (STIs) including HIV/AIDS.

• if the mother has HIV infection, there is a small chance that breast milk will transmit HIV to the baby.

4.4 Contraindications

• in women on drugs like antimetabolites, radioactive drugs, lithium, cyclosporin, high doses of corticosteroid, reserpine, mood altering drugs and certain anticoagulants breast-feeding is contraindicated, thus they cannot use LAM.

• diseases such as HIV infection and acute viral hepatitis can be transmitted to the new born through breast milk.

• congenital deformities of the mouth, jaw or palate and prematurity make breast-feeding difficult for the neonate.

4.5 How to use LAM correctly

• breast-feed the baby often, at least 8-10 times a day, including once at night. Day-time feeds should not be more than 4 hours apart, and night feeds no more than 6 hours apart.

• ensure that the baby gets 85% of his or her feeds as breast milk.

• other foods may be started when the baby is 6 month old. Breast-feed the baby prior to other foods, when possible.

4.6 When to start additional contraceptive method in a woman on LAM

• any time the woman starts menstruating

• when baby is 6 months old

• baby is taking less than 85% of his or her feeds as breast milk

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