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User Facilities Tissue (Biological) processing for TEM Tissue (Biological) processing for SEM TEM viewing SEM viewing Elemental analysis by EDAX Image analysis Immuno-electron microscopy
Existing Equipment1. Transmission Electron Microscopes a) Morgagni 268D (Fei Electron Optics) b) TECNAI 200 Kv TEM (Fei, Electron Optics) Both equipped with digital imaging and 35 mm photography system 2. Scanning Electron Microscope Leo 435 VP - Works in low and high vacuum mode - Equipped with digital imaging and 35 mm photography system 3. Energy-dispersive x-ray microanalysis (EDAX) attached to the SEM - For elemental analysis of biological as well as non-biological samples. 4. Ultramicrotomes: For cutting ultrathin sections for TEM a. Reichert-Jung Ultracut-E b. Leica Ultracut – UCT c. Leica UC6 5. Critical Point Dryer: For drying wet biological samples for SEM. a. Jumbo critical point dryer (Bio-Rad) b. EMS-850 Critical point dryer (Emitech) 6. Sputter Coater Unit: For metal coating of dry biological samples viewed under high vacuum SEM. a. Balzer Union SCD 020 b. Agar Sputter Coater
Information for the users
The Facility is open from 9.30 A.M. till 5.15 P.M. on all working days from Monday to Friday and from 9.30 A.M. to 1.00 P.M. on Saturdays. Prior booking is necessary for the users (in-house as well as outsiders) to work in the SAIF. The sample collection time is 11.00 A.M. to 1.00 P.M. on all working days except Saturday.
Booking the Facility
Requisition forms for Internal/External users can be downloaded from this website (www.aiims.ac.in). Tentative booking can be made through e-mail saifnewdelhi@rediffmail.com, Tel. Nos. 11-26588995; 11-26588500 (Extn 3344 and 3568).
Mode of payment
Payment has to be made in two parts: 1. Payment at the time of sample submission On the basis of number of samples submitted and type of processing of the specimens, one can calculate the amount from the rate-list (refer rate-list) and the same has to be deposited along with the samples. 2. Payment after microscope viewing and image recording The final payment will be done after calculating the TEM viewing time and number of images recorded (refer rate-list) by the user. The payment should be made by bank draft in favour of “AIIMS (Scheme Fund), New Delhi”. Personal cheques are not accepted. Payment can also be made in cash in the Research Section of AIIMS. |