1. Card issued :_________ |
GUEST / FULL Member |
Space For Photograph |
(Alumni Association of AIIMS) |
Application form for Membership |
Dear/Sir Madam,
I wish to apply for membership of "THE AIIMSONIANS". My particulars are as under:
Name (in caps) :
Date of Birth : Gender : Male/Female
Category Eligible (See below) : Type of membership Eligible :Full/ Guest
First Degree / Course / Job Pursued at AIIMS/ (Please attach proof) Faculty of AIIMS: No / Yes
Month & Year of entry at AIIMS : For MBBS Alumni - Batch No. : ____________
Roll No. : _____________
Full Postal Address:
(with Pin Code) Specialise in 1. _____________________
2. _____________________
3. _____________________
Currently residing in (County) : ______________________________
TELEPHONE NO.: Work Place:____________________________________ Residence : ___________________________
Fax No. __________________________ Email:: _______________________ Cell-Phone: ___________________________
Spouse & Children's Name :
Spouse : (Name)___________________________________ Children : (Names)____________________________________
Marriage Anniversary_______________________________
* Please add Rs. 20/- for cheques from outside Delhi.
* The Cheques/ DD should be drawn in favour of "the AIIMSONIANS" and should be crossed.
* Please return this form with: "The AIIMSONIANS" Office, Room No. 38A. Pre-clinical Block
one extra photo graph to AIIMS, New Delhi - 110029. E-mail : birsingh43@hotmail.com
Phone No. :26594461,2 6594985 Fax : 011-26862663
Important Excerpts from the Constitution of "The AIIMSONIANS"
Members will be enrolled only as life members. Members enrolled at the Head Office
of the AIIMSONIANS shall be know as primary members. Type of Life Membership will be as
4.1. FULL MEMBERSHIP : The following are eligible for full membership. On becoming full members, they are entitled to call themselves "Members of The AIIMSONIANS.
4.1.a Group A: shall comprise :
A1* Those who have completed any postgraduate medical/ paramedical course from AIIMS (MD, MS, PhD, MSc, DM, MCh, MHA, MDS etc.
A2* Faculty of AIIMS (past or present) who have held a regular job at the Institute.
A3* All those who have completed a undergraduate medical/paramedical degree/ diploma course at AIIMS.
A4* Anyone who has asked for at least 3 continuous years in an academic medical job at AIIMS.
4.1.b Group B shall comprise medical graduates (MBBS) of AIIMS
Open to any one (including Indian/Foreign visitors) who has worked/participated in any academic activity at AIIMS for a continuous period of at least six months but is not eligible for full membership. (Please attach proof).
Such member will be called the "Guest AIIMSONIANS".
4.3. MEMBERSHIP FEES : (Revisable)
Currently :
-Indian Rs. 1,500/- for Indian Residents
-U.S. Dollars 75/- or Indian Rs. 3,000/ -for residents of other SAARC countries
-U.S. dollars 300/- for all others
It shall consists of 6 office bearers (1. President, 2 Vice Presidents. 1 Secretary cum Treasurer, 2 Joint Secretaries) and 10 Executive Committee Members (6 elected from Group B as in clause 4.1.b, i.e., medical graduates (MBBS) from AIIMS and one each elected/ co-opted from amongst Group A as in clause 4.1.a.,i.e., Groups A1, A2, A3, A4).
Only Group B members (as in clause 4.1.b) can hold the posts of office bearers of the Executive Committee.
Guest members have no voting rights in the elections/ meetings of "The AIIMSONIANS" but enjoy all other rights of a full member.
I have read and understood the rules as above and promise to abide by them
Date : _______________________________ Signature : _____________________________
Name : ________________________________
Membership Category :_______________________
Receive Rs. _______________________________________________/-by Cash/D.D./Cheque* No.
drawn on Bank : _________________________________________________________________________________________
Receipt (Issued) No. ______________________________
I. Card issued on : ________________________________________
(*Subject to realisation)
Dr Bir Singh