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Revised Rates of Hospital Charges for Operative Procedures
All India Institute of Medical Sciences New Delhi, India
OPERATIVE PROCEDURESDENTAL SURGERYAbscess incision 250.00 Acrylic Full Crown 100.00 Activator 250.00 All extractions in one Jaw 250.00 Alveolectomy 250.00 Apical Curettage 250.00 Biopsy 250.00 Cast Inlay per tooth (Non-precious alloy) 100.00 Complete Denture Acrylic - One jaw 500.00 Complete Denture Acrylic - both jaws 1000.00 Complete Denture with metal basis-both jaws 2000.00 Condylectomy 1000.00 Cysectomy 250.00 Definitive Obturator with teeth 500.00 Dental Restoration Class-I with AG amalgam/composite 50.00 Dental Restoration Class-II with AG amalgam composite 100.00 Expansion plate (excluding screw to be brought by patient 250.00 Extraction per tooth 25.00 Fistula closure 250.00 Fistulectomy 250.00 Fixation of Fracture of Jaw 1000.00 Fixed Appliances both jaw 1000.00 Fixed Applicances one jaw 500.00 Fixed Partial Denture 3 units with Porcelain 250.00 Fixed Partial Denture 3 units with 2000.00 porcelain veenering - Non-precious alloy Fixed Partial Denture per additional tooth with 250.00 porcelain veenering - semi precious alloy Fixed partial denture - 3 units with acrylic veneering 1000.00 Fixed partial denture 3 units in gold alloy (excluding gold 500.00 Fixed partial denture per additional tooth in gold alloy 250.00 Fixed partial denture per additional unit with acrilic 500.00 Fracture Jaws closed reduction 500.00 Fracture Jaws open reduction 1000.00 Frenectomy 150.00 Full Metal Crown (Nickel Chrome) 200.00 Gingivectomy full mouth 1000.00 Gingivectomy per segment 250.00 Growth removal 250.00 Head Gear (excluding sctraps to be brought by patients 250.00 Inclined plane/repair of plane 100.00 Mandibulectomy 2000.00 Nasal/Auricular/Orbital Prosthesis 250.00 Orthodontic Appliance, Bite plates, Retraction plate 250.00 Osteotomy 1000.00 Pericoronotomy 150.00 Peripheral Neurectomy 500.00 Porcelain Full Crown 250.00 Porcelain to metal crown 500.00 Pulpotomy 250.00 Removable Acrylic Partial Denture per additional tooth 50.00 Removable Acrylic Partial Denture with one tooth 100.00 Removable Cast Partial Denture (Chromecobalt) per additional 50.00 Removable Cast Partial Denture (Chromecobalt) with one tooth 500.00 Removal of Impaction 250.00 Repairing/ Relining Denture 100.00 Resection of jaw 2000.00 Rochett's (Maryland) Bridge 3 units 250.00 Root Planning 250.00 Root amputation 250.00 Root canal treatment 250.00 Segmental resection of jaw 1000.00 Sequestrectomy 250.00 Sialolithotomy 250.00 Silver cast splint per dental arch 250.00 Single Jacket Crown/Dowel crowh in non precious alloy with 250.00 Single three quarter crown (Nickel - Chrome) 250.00 Surgical Obturator/Intermediate obturator (without teeth) 100.00 Total extraction both jaws 1000.00 Tumour Excision 1000.00 Veneering - Non precious alloy 1000.00
********************************** GENERAL AND PLASTIC SURGERYAbscess Drainage under G.A. 250.00 Aspiration of cold abscess/cysts 250.00 Biopsy (Punch/ Excision/ Cervical cone/Endometrial 250.00 Bone Tumor/Testicular--) Cervical sympathectomy 2000.00 Circumcision 250.00 Colostomy closure 5000.00 Excision and skin graft of contracture 1000.00 Excision benign breast lumps 250.00 Excision of cheek cancer 2000.00 Excision of Small tumour 250.00 Excision of rectum 2000.00 Feeding Jejunostomy/ Gastrostomy 250.00 Fissurectomy 250.00 Fistulectomy 250.00 Fractional Curettage 500.00 Haemorrhoids 250.00 Hemicollectomy 5000.00 Incision & Drainage 250.00 Injection of keloids 250.00 Intestinal biopsy 250.00 Kidney transplant 8000.00 Laceration suture abscess drainage under local anaesthesia 100.00 Laparoscopy 500.00 Laprotomy + Additional procedure 2000.00 Oopherectomy 2000.00 Operation for gall stones 2000.00 Operations for Intestinal obstruction 5000.00 Operations for pancreas 5000.00 Operations for peptic ulcer/ stomach cancer 5000.00 Operations for surgical jaundice 2000.00 Operations for tuberculosis cancer of the Bowel 2000.00 Partial Amputation Penis 250.00 Preparation and transfer of tube pedicles and flap 250.00 Radical Amputation Penis 2000.00 Radical mastectomy 2000.00 Repair of External Hernia 1000.00 Repair of facial fracture 1000.00 Sequestrectomy 250.00 Simple mastectomy 1000.00 Surgery for portation 8000.00 Thyroidectomy 5000.00 Trachectomy 1000.00 Tracheostomy 500.00 Undescended testis operative procedure 1000.00
********************************** NEPHROLOGY
A.V. Shunt 1000.00 CAPD (Tenkoff) Cathetre implantation 1000.00 CAVH 2000.00 CAVHD 2000.00 CVVH 2000.00 CVVHD 2000.00 Femoral Vein cathetrisation 500.00 Haemodialysis on keil dialyser 2000.00 Insertion of A.V. Canula for Acute Haemodialysis 500.00 Peritoneal dialysis cathetrisation (intermittent) 1000.00 Plasmapheresis 1000.00 Subclavian vein perm cathetre implantation 1000.00
********************************** OBST. AND GYNAECOLOGY
Abdominal perineal Ext.Hysterectomy 2000.00 Abdominal perineal neo construction Cx+Uteria+Vagina 5000.00 Caesaerian Hysterectomy 2000.00 Cervical Biopsy 250.00 Colopotomy 500.00 Colpollaisis/Colporrhophy 2000.00 Cone Biopsy Cervix 500.00 Cryosurgery 250.00 D & C 500.00 Deliveries Normal 2000.00 Dilatation of Cervix 250.00 Electro Cauterization 250.00 Endometrial Biopsy 250.00 Evacuation 500.00 Fractional Curettage 500.00 Gynaecography 1000.00 H/C V.V.F. & R.V.F. 2000.00 Hydrotubation 250.00 Hymenectomy 250.00 Hysterectomy (Abdominal) 2000.00 Hysterectomy (Wertheims) 5000.00 Normal R/o Placenta 1000.00 Operation for stress incontinence 2000.00 Ovarion Cystectomy 2000.00 Ovaritomy 2000.00 Pelvic Exenteration 5000.00 Plastic Operation on uterus 2000.00 Radical Vulvectomy 5000.00 Repair of Perineal Tear 250.00 Salpingectomy 1000.00 Salpingostomy 1000.00 Schauha's Operation 5000.00 Tubal Insufflation 250.00 Tuboplasty 5000.00 Vaginal Hysterectomy 2000.00 Vagino Plasty 2000.00 Wedge Resection of Ovary 1000.00 Wertheim's Hysterectomy 5000.00
********************************** ORTHOPAEDICSAmputations :- Amputations through Arm/Forearm 2000.00 Amputations through Hand/Foot 1000.00 Amputations through Thigh/Leg 2000.00 Disarticulation through major joints of the limb 2000.00 Disarticulation through small joints of Hand/Foot 500.00 Excision of supernumery digit 500.00 Fore Quarter amputation 5000.00 Hind Quarter amputation 5000.00 Arthrodesis:- Arthrodesis of large joints 2000.00 (Hip, Knee, Shoulder, Ankle, Wrist) Arthrodesis of small joints of hand/foot 1000.00 Arthroscopy:- Arthroscopic surgery lavage 2000.00 menisectomy (partial/total) 2000.00 ligament reconstruction 2000.00 Removal of loose body 2000.00 Synovial biopsy 2000.00 Diagnostic arthroscopy of large joints 500.00 Diagnostic arthroscopy of small joints 500.00 Biopsy C.T. Guided biopsy 1000.00 Excisional biopsy 1000.00 Needle biopsy 500.00 Open biopsy 500.00 Bone Grafting:- (To be added up with any operation of internal or external fixation) Composite grafting 2000.00 Fibular/tibial grafting 1000.00 Iliac crest grafting 1000.00 Phemester grafting 2000.00 Rib grafting 1000.00 Dressings, Debridement:- Debridement & Repair 250.00 Fasciectomy 250.00 Sloughectomy 250.00 Wound inspection 250.00 Excision of bone Patellectomy (Partial/total) 1000.00 Talectomy 1000.00 Excision of Accessory bone (Navicular) 1000.00 Proximal row carpectomy 1000.00 Fibulectomy 1000.00 Excisional arthroplasty of:- Elbow 2000.00 Hip 2000.00 Small joints of hand/foot 2000.00 TM joint 2000.00 External fixation of fractures:- External fixation with soft tissue Reconstruc. 5000.00 procedures Mini Fixator 2000.00 Pin and Plaster application 2000.00 Ring fixator 5000.00 Tubular external fixator 2000.00 Internal Fixation of fractures:- Interlocking nailing 2000.00 K. Wire fixation 2000.00 Meyer's Procedure 5000.00 Nailing 2000.00 Neck Reconstruction 5000.00 Plating 2000.00 Screw fixation 5000.00 Special plating procedures 5000.00 S.P. Nail plate 5000.00 Dynamic Hip Screw 5000.00 Dynamic Compression Screw 5000.00 Condylar blade plate 5000.00 Tension Band Wiring 1000.00 Joint replacements:- Partial (Hemi) hip replacement 5000.00 Replacement of small joints of Hand or foot 5000.00 Total Hip replacement 8000.00 Total Knee replacement 8000.00 Total Shoulder/Elbow replacement 5000.00 Limb lengthening:- Femoral lengthening 5000.00 Humeral Lengthening 5000.00 Metacarpal/Phalangeal lengthening 5000.00 Tibial lengthening 5000.00 Manipulations:- Closed reductions of fractures and Dislocations 1000.00 Correction of deformities 1000.00 Manipulation under G.A. 1000.00 Muscle/Tendon transfer Steindler's flexoroplasty 1000.00 Tendon transfers (Hand & foot):- Oponensplasty 1000.00 Egger's procedure 1000.00 Trapezius transfer 2000.00 Nerve repair/grafting 5000.00 Open reduction/dislocations:- Open reduction of C.D.H. (Cong. Dis. Hip) 1000.00 Open reduction of C.D.H. with Osteotomy 2000.00 Open reduction of dislocation 1000.00 Operations for infection:- Sequestrectomy 500.00 Saucerization 500.00 Sinus tract excision 50.00 Orthoses/Splints:- Body jacket (PVC) 500.00 Cast brace 500.00 Floor reaction orthosis (FRO) 1000.00 Hand Splints 250.00 Osteotomy:- Corrective osteotomy of long bones 2000.00 Corrective osteotomy of small bones 2000.00 French Osteotomy 2000.00 High tibial osteotomy 2000.00 MC Murray's Osteotomy Osteotomy of the pelvis (Salter's Chiary, pembertion) 2000.00 Valgus/Varus Osteotomy 2000.00 Replantation 8000.00 Skeletal traction:- Halo Traction/Distraction 2000.00 Skull Traction 500.00 Traction through tibia, femur, olecranon, Calcaneum 250.00 Skin Coverage:- Abdomenal flap 2000.00 Cross finger flap 2000.00 Cross leg flap 2000.00 Free flap 5000.00 Full thickness skin grafting 500.00 Groin flap 2000.00 Myocutaneous flap 2000.00 Myoplasty with/without skin grafting 2000.00 Redicled flap 2000.00 Rotation flap 2000.00 Split thickness skin grafting 500.00 Soft tissue reconstructive procedures:- Anterior transposition of ulnar nerve 2000.00 Bankart's operation 2000.00 Bristwo's operation 2000.00 Joint Debridement 2000.00 Ligament reconstruction of the knee,elbow, ankle 2000.00 Mc Bride procedure 2000.00 Neurolysis 2000.00 Putti plat operation 2000.00 Reconstruction surgery of the hand 2000.00 (for post-traumatic & Congenital anomalies/deformities) 2000.00 Synovectomy 2000.00 Soft tissue release Operations:- Carpal tunnel release 1000.00 Defatting operation 1000.00 Dequervam's release 1000.00 Dupuytren's soft tissue release 1000.00 Max page release 1000.00 Postero medial soft tissue release 1000.00 Soutter's and younts soft tissue release 1000.00 Steindler's release 1000.00 Subcutaneous tenotomy 1000.00 Syndactyly release 1000.00 T.A. lengthening 1000.00 Tenotomy-open 1000.00 Torticollis release 1000.00 Trigger finger/thumb release 1000.00 Wilson's Soft tissue release 1000.00 Z-plasty for contractures 1000.00 Spine:- Anteriorolateral decompression 5000.00 Anterior loosening 8000.00 Anterior loosening with instrumentation 8000.00 Anterior Spinal fusion 5000.00 Discetomy 5000.00 Excision of diastematomyelia 8000.00 Laminectomy 5000.00 Posterolateral Spinal fusion 5000.00 Posterior Spinal fusion with instrumentation 5000.00 Posterolateral Spinal fusion with instrumentation 5000.00 Spinal fusion (posterior) 5000.00 Spinal instrumentation (Without fusion) 5000.00 Transthoracic decompression 8000.00 Tendon repair/grafting 2000.00 Tumour Surgery:- Curettage 500.00 Curettage with bone grafting 1000.00 Curettagre with bone cement 1000.00 Debulking of the tumour 2000.00 Excision of the tumours of the hand or foot 1000.00 Radical resection of the large tumour 2000.00 Resection Arthrodesis (with internal or external fixation) 5000.00
******************************** OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGYAdenoidectomy 500.00 Antral Biopsy 500.00 Antrum Wash 250.00 Audiometry 250.00 Aural Polypectomy 250.00 Block Dissection of neck 5000.00 Bronchoscopy 500.00 C.W.L.(Rt) (Minor) 1000.00 Caldwell Luc's Operation 500.00 Direct Laryngoscopy 500.00 Ethmoidectomy 2000.00 Excision of Temporal Bone 5000.00 Foreign Body ear and nose removal 250.00 Frontal Sinus Operation 2000.00 Intranasal Antrostomy 250.00 Laryngectomy 5000.00 Laryngofissure 2000.00 Laryngophayryngectomy 5000.00 Laryngoscopy 500.00 Lateral Pharyngotomy 2000.00 Lateral Rhinotomy 2000.00 Mastoidectomy 2000.00 Maxillectomy 2000.00 Meatoplasty 500.00 Microlaryngoscopy 500.00 Myringoplasty 500.00 Myringotomy 250.00 Nasal Cautery 250.00 Nasal Polypectomy 500.00 Oesphagoscopy 500.00 Ossioloplasty 2000.00 Partial Glossectomy 5000.00 Pinnaplasty 2000.00 Plastopharyngoplasty for Rhinolalia Absenta 5000.00 R.N.D. 5000.00 Rhinoplasty (M.R.M.) 2000.00 Septoplasty 500.00 Stapedectomy 5000.00 Submucus Resection of Septum 500.00 Tonsillectomy 500.00 Trachesostomy 500.00 Transpalatal Operation 2000.00 Turbinectomy 250.00 Tympanoplasty 5000.00
********************************** PAEDIATRIC SURGERYAbdominoperineal pull through 5000.00 Anoplasty for imperforate anus 2000.00 Appendicectomy 1000.00 Biopsy of Ulcer 250.00 Brachial sinus excision 1000.00 Change of suprapubic cystostomy tube 100.00 Circumcision 250.00 Cleft lip (complete repair) 5000.00 Cleft palate repair 5000.00 Colonic transplant 5000.00 Corn excision 100.00 Corrective procedure for biliary atresia 5000.00 Cysto panendoscopy 500.00 Cystolithotomy 1000.00 Cystostomy 250.00 Drainage of an abscess suturing of minor laceration under 250.00 Electrocoagulation 250.00 Epispadias repair 1000.00 Examination under G.A. 250.00 Excision of omphalomesentric duct 2000.00 Excision of posterior uretheral valve 2000.00 Excision of rectal polyp 1000.00 Excision of small cysts Ganglia etc. 250.00 Gastrostomy 1000.00 Gut back operation for imperforate anus 1000.00 Hemihepatectomy 5000.00 Hydrocortisone Injection of Peyronies disease 250.00 Ileal or colon conduct 5000.00 Intercostal drainage 250.00 Intussusception 2000.00 Laparotomy with additional procedures like resection & ana 2000.00 Ligation of umblical polyp 250.00 Lymphnode Biopsy 250.00 Meatotomy under G.A. 250.00 Minor correction of repaired lip or palate 250.00 Minor urethroplasty 250.00 Nephrectomy 2000.00 Nephrostomy tube change 250.00 Oesophagostomy 2000.00 Orchectomy and Orchiopexy 1000.00 Parotid fistula closure 1000.00 Pelvic osteotomy 1000.00 Perineal urethrostomy 1000.00 Preauricular sinus excision 1000.00 Prepucial advancement and chorde correction 1000.00 Prepucial dilatation 250.00 Primary reconstruction for extrophy of Bladder 5000.00 Pyelolithotomy 2000.00 Pyeloplasty 2000.00 Pyeloroplasty with or without vagotomy 2000.00 Pyloromyotomy 2000.00 Repair of hiatus hernia 2000.00 Repair of partial cleft lip 1000.00 Retrograde seminal vesiculography 250.00 Revision/dilatation of ileostomy/colostomy 250.00 Rib resection and drainage 1000.00 Scar excision under G.A. 250.00 Secondary procedure for extrophy of the bladder 1000.00 Sigmodioscopy under G.A. 500.00 Skin tag excision under G.A. 250.00 Spleenectomy 2000.00 Stitch removal under G.A. 250.00 Surgical separation of conjoined siamese twins 8000.00 Syndactyle 250.00 Tapping of hydrocele 250.00 Testicular biopsy 250.00 Thyroglossal duct excision 1000.00 Thyroglossal sinus and fistula excision 1000.00 Total correction of extrophy of urinary bladder 5000.00 Tracheo-oesophageal fistula with Oesophagealatresia 5000.00 Transposition of anus for ectopic anus 2000.00 Ureterostomy or ureters sigmoidostomy 5000.00 Urethroplasty for penile or penoscrotal type hypospadias 5000.00 Urinary diversion e.g. cutaneous 2000.00 Ventriculoatrial shunt 2000.00 **********************************
UROLOGYCystolithotripsy Endoscopic 2000.00 Davis intubated ureterostomy 2000.00 Dilatation of Urethra 250.00 ESWL Procedure (Lithotripsy) 9000.00 Endoscopic Basketing 1000.00 Excision of Renal Cyst 2000.00 Excision of Stricture 2000.00 Excision of Suprapubic Fistula 2000.00 Excision of adrenal cyst 2000.00 Excision of pheochromocytoma or Adrenal tumours 5000.00 Excision of suprapubic fitula 1000.00 Exploration of Kidney 2000.00 Fulguration of bladder tumour 2000.00 Ileal loop diversion 5000.00 Internal ureterotomy 1000.00 Nephrectomy 2000.00 Nephrolithotomy 2000.00 Nephrostomy 1000.00 Radical Prostatectomy 5000.00 Retrograde Pyelography 1000.00 Retropublic prostatectomy 2000.00 Suprapublic transvesical bladder neck Resection 2000.00 Supreapubic transvesical excision of bladder tumour 2000.00 Supreapublic transvesical prostatectomy 2000.00 Total cystotomy 5000.00 Total uretherectomy with pelvic exentiration 5000.00 Transurethral resection of bladder neck 2000.00 Transurethral resection of bladder tumour 2000.00 Ureterolithotomy 2000.00 Ureteroneocystostomy 5000.00 Ureterorolysis 2000.00 Vaginal cystolithotomy 5000.00 Vesicoepidydimal anastomosis 5000.00 ********************************** |